
日付 2022-12-21
タイトル SureM sender ID International Messages Delivery


This is SureM Co., Ltd.

Thank you for using our service.

Today, we would like to share information of South Korea Inbound Sender ID (Prefix).

You are required to have a Sender ID set with Prefix if you do not have entity in South Korea.

There are 2 (two) options and we can support you according to your needs.

1) 009 Prefix

- Header [국제발신] / [국외발신] means [Sent from Overseas]

- SMS 1-90 bytes (Korean, 1-45 characters)

- LMS (long messages) 91-2000 bytes (Korean, 46-1000 characters)

2) 00777 Prefix

- Header [국제발신] / [국외발신] means [Sent from Overseas]

- SMS 1-140 bytes Unicode 1-70 characters

- No LMS supported

- Encoding UCS-2 which is able to send Chinese, Korean, Japanese and etc. along with English

If you have an inquiry, please send email at suremaster@surem.com.

Thank you.


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